Forum Glossary
A list of terms used on our forum.
- Emz
- Admin & Founder
- Posts: 95
- Joined: Sun 10 Mar 2024, 5:39 pm
- Full Name: Emily Radcliffe
- Location: Maltby
- Pronouns: She/Her
- About Me: Link
- Contact:
Forum Glossary
Short for 'administrator' someone who manages the forum.
Announcements contain important information for the board/area you are currently on and should be read. They appear at the top of every board/area in which they are posted. For example, our 'Forum Rules' in this board of 'Info & Guides' is an Announcement topic.
An old, unused topic that has been moved to the archived area.
Attachments are files that can be attached to posts/private messages like email attachments.
Avatars are images that are displayed in members' profiles and the member list.
This refers to the system that can be used to style text in your posts and private messages. For example, styling some text to appear bold.
A board or area is where all the topics are. For example, 'Info & Guides' is a board/area as is 'Information'.
This refers to the action of replying to an old topic, thus bumping the topic out of its inactivity.
A category is a 'folder' containing groups of similar areas. For example 'General' and 'Chat' are two of our categories on our forum.
A cookie is a small piece of data put onto the user's computer. Cookies are used with our forum to store login information.
Can refer to the Frequently Asked Questions on our forum or the internationally known Frequently Asked Questions abbreviation.
Referring to this place, our Nightingales Forum!
Fourm Game/s
It's a laid-back topic where you can play games. You can find all our forum games here.
All members of our forum are to be placed into a usergroup/group, which each person can select. This makes it so members can see what condition/s you have that has got you to join us. Or if the person is a carer/family/friend of a Nightingales member.
You can view all usergroups/groups via the 'Usergroups' link within your User Control Panel. To join the correct group, select the group and at the bottom make sure it says 'Join selected' before clicking the 'Submit' button.
Locked Topic/s
This refers to a topic that has been locked and only administrators can post/reply in. These are shown by having a padlock.
A person who has registered to use our forum.
Short for 'moderator', someone who has access to special functions of the forum and helps out the administrator/s.
Newbie/New User
Referring to new members that have recently joined our forum.
Off Topic
Refers to someone drifting away from the subject the topic was created for.
Original Post/Poster
This can refer to either the first post in a topic or the person who created the topic.
Short for 'private message/s' they are a way for registered members to communicate privately through our forum without the need to fall back to email or instant messaging.
A reference to what someone else has said previously in the current or another topic.
Ranks on our forum enable us to give usergroups/groups an image to showcase which usergroup/group they are in. Ranks can be added, edited and deleted by administrators.
The act of replying to a topic/private message. To reply to a topic, simply scroll to the bottom and click 'Post Reply' to open up the text area to write in.
A signature is a message displayed at the end of a member's post. Signatures are set by each member. Whether or not a signature is displayed after a post is set by the members' profile settings. Or whether before posting a reply they have 'Attach a signature' selected in the 'Options' underneath the text area.
These are a set of symbols or pictures that can be used to express emotion when writing. They can be seen when in 'Post Reply' next to the text area.
Sticky Topic/Thread
Any sticky topic/thread permanently stays at the top of whatever area/board it is in. Only admin can sticky a topic/thread.
Sub-boards are boards that are nested in, or located in other boards. For example, 'Guides' is a sub-board of the board 'Info & Guides'.
When you tag someone they get a notification. You tag someone by putting a @ in front of their username. Example tag: @Emz
In each area/board we have what we call topics or threads, it's a group of posts together. They have their own subject, which you can talk about. You can create a new topic by pressing the 'New Topic' button.
UCP is short for 'User Control Panel' and is the central point from which members can manage all of their settings and features that pertain to their accounts.
Someone with a registered account on the Nightingales forum.
You can view all usergroups/groups via the 'Usergroups' link within your User Control Panel. To join the correct group, select the group and at the bottom make sure it says 'Join selected' before clicking the 'Submit' button.