

Monthly Meet Ups

We have monthly in person meet ups on the second Wednesday of every month from 1pm to 3pm. Both people with the condition/s and carers/friends/family are welcome to join us. Come join us for the full two hours or pop in at some point for as long as you can.

It is fully accessible with a ramp and handrails and it also has a toilet. We can make drinks there or you could bring your own. The place has two separate rooms, making us able to have someone come in to talk about the condition/s in one room and anyone not interested in listening to be in the other. Or do various activities.

There is a map and photo of outside the rooms below our calendar of events.


Online Video Chats

We aim to try and host online video chats once a month for those unable to attend our in-person meet-ups. Or, if you just wish to chat and join in with both!

Online video chats may just be that, a way to chat, meet new people and catch up with ones you know. There might even be games within the chat or additional video chats just for those wishing to play.

Please note that whilst the dot is on the correct building of the Church Rooms at St. Bartholomew’s Church, the location itself has no number/address.