ME/CFS stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It is a long-term condition with a wide range of symptoms, the most common being extreme fatigue.

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ME/CFS effects multiple body systems, it would probably be quicker to say what symptoms you can not have.

To name just a few symptoms, it can effect your sleep, cause aches and pains, sensitivity, problems with thinking, memory and concentration. Obviously the most common is extreme fatigue that does not go away with rest or sleep.


There is currently no specific test for ME/CFS. Diagnosis is based on your symptoms and ruling out all other conditions that could be causing the symptoms.

As the symptoms of ME/CFS are similar to those of many common illnesses that usually get better on their own, a diagnosis of ME/CFS may be considered if you do not get better as quickly as expected.


Unfortunately there is no effective treatment for this condition and full recovery is very rare.

Symptoms can stabilize and/or improve over time with careful management of balancing activity and rest.