Guide - Subscriptions & Bookmarks

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Guide - Subscriptions & Bookmarks

Post by Emz »

You have a choice to either watch our video talking you through everything you need to know about subscriptions and bookmarks or scroll down to read with helpful images showing what we are talking about. Both have the same information.


Subcriptions & Bookmarks - Quick Links
1) What are Subcriptions & Bookmarks
2) Subscribing and Bookmarking
3) Notification Settings
4) Managing Subscriptions & Bookmarks
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Re: Guide - Subscriptions & Bookmarks

Post by Emz »

What are Subcriptions & Bookmarks

Subscriptions and bookmarks are very similar, but there is one small difference between the two.
Bookmarks: You can bookmark a topic/thread so when people post there you will be notified.
Subscriptions: You can subscribe to a topic/thread or a whole area, like 'Monthly Meet-Ups.' This will notify you when any new topics/threads are started and also all new posts in any of those topics/threads.

The way you are notified can be changed in your user control panel. You could use both bookmarks and subscriptions, having one notification be by forum only and another by email for those more important ones you don't wish to miss. We will cover how to do both here, detailing how to subscribe and bookmark, managing current ones and selecting how you wish to be notified.
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Re: Guide - Subscriptions & Bookmarks

Post by Emz »

Subscribing and Bookmarking

(Need a closer look? Clicking the image will open it up, right-click and select 'Open Link in New Tab' to not leave this page.)

1 & 2) Subscribing
To subscribe to a whole area/forum, for example 'Monthly Meet-Ups', go to that area and scroll to the bottom of the page. Underneath the 'Legend' information you will see a coloured bar going across with some links inside, starting with 'Home'. Next to that is a 'Subscribe Forum' just a simple click will enable you to be notified on all new topics/threads and posts in that area. You'll notice once clicked the text will change to 'Unsubscribe Forum'.

There are two different ways to subscribe to a topic/thread. First, at the bottom of the page of any topic/thread you'll see a little wrench tool (see 3) clicking that will drop-down a menu where one of the options is to 'Subscribe Topic' or 'Unscribe Topic' if you are already subscribed.

The second way is while you are replying to the topic/thread or starting a new one. (This is in full reply/posting mode and not available in quick reply). Underneath the text box area you will see 'Options' there you can click the box 'Notify me when a reply is posted' to subscribe. When you next post you can always unclick this box to remove the subscription.

3) Bookmarking
To bookmark a topic/thread, you can go to the one you wish to bookmark and scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see a little wrench tool (3), clicking this will open up a drop-down menu with the option to 'bookmark topic' or 'Remove from bookmarks' if already bookmarked.
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Re: Guide - Subscriptions & Bookmarks

Post by Emz »

Notification Settings

(Need a closer look? Clicking the image will open it up, right-click and select 'Open Link in New Tab' to not leave this page.)

You can change your notification settings for both subscribing and bookmarks in your user control panel (UCP). To open up one's user control panel, go to the navbar at the top of any page on our forum and click your username. It'll display a drop-down menu where you can click 'User control panel'. Then click the third top tab 'Board preferences'.

Click 'Edit notification options' and at the top under 'Posting Notifications', you will find how you can be notified for your subscriptions and bookmarks. You can select 'Notifications', 'Email' or both. Notifications are forum notifications and appear in the forum navbar at the top on the right hand side, next to 'Private messages'.

If you have any new notifications a red circle will appear with the number of new notifications inside. Clicking this will drop down a list of the most recent notifications with the words 'See All' at the bottom which takes you to the notifications section of your user control panel. (Under 'Overview' and 'Manage notifications').
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Re: Guide - Subscriptions & Bookmarks

Post by Emz »

Managing Subscriptions & Bookmarks

(Need a closer look? Clicking the image will open it up, right-click and select 'Open Link in New Tab' to not leave this page.)

You can manage all your subscriptions and bookmarks from your user control panel (UCP). To open up one's UCP, go to the navbar at the top of any page on our forum and click your username. It'll display a drop-down menu where you can click 'User control panel'.

In 'Manage subscriptions' any watched forums/areas will appear at the top with any topics/threads underneath. Here you can not only view each and even one you are subscripted to but manage them as well. Deleting any you do not wish to be subscribed to any longer. You can do this but going through and clicking each box on the right-hand side or if you wish to delete all go to the bottom of the list where you have the option to 'Mark all'. Once all the ones you wish to delete are marked, click 'Unwatch marked', which is also at the bottom of the list on the right-hand side.

In 'Manage bookmarks' any watched topics/threads will appear in this area. It will look very similar to the 'Manage subscriptions' page but will not list any forums/areas watched since you can not bookmark these. Deleting any you do not wish to be bookmarked to any longer. You can do this but going through and clicking each box on the right-hand side or if you wish to delete all go to the bottom of the list where you have the option to 'Mark all'. Once all the ones you wish to delete are marked, click 'Remove marked bookmarks', which is also at the bottom of the list on the right-hand side.