Guide - BBCode

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Guide - BBCode

Post by Emz »

You have a choice to either watch our video talking you through everything you need to know about BBCode or scroll down to read with helpful images showing what we are talking about. Both have the same information.


BBCode - Quick Links
1) Intro
2) Images
3) Links
4) Spoilers
5) Bold, Italic & Underline
6) Creating Lists
7) Font Size & Colour
8) Align Text
9) Quote
10) @ Mentions
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Re: Guide - BBCode

Post by Emz »


(Need a closer look? Clicking the image will open it up, right-click and select 'Open Link in New Tab' to not leave this page.)

First and foremost, you do not need to know all the BBCode or any really to be able to use the Nightingales Forum. You might just be fine with simply typing, clicking a smilie now and again and the only BBCode you might use is to insert an image.

We will go through all the BBCode buttons you see whilst on the posting area. In the image above you can see some of what BBCode can do. We will first go through the most likely ones to be used by everyone. That's inserting an image, a link and the spoiler code. (This is great for those TV Shows/Movies/Books topics where not everyone has seen/read the lastest). Before moving onto everything else.

TIP : Hoovering your mouse over any of the BBCode buttons will show you what it does/how to use it.
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Re: Guide - BBCode

Post by Emz »


(Need a closer look? Clicking the image will open it up, right-click and select 'Open Link in New Tab' to not leave this page.)

1) Simple Code
To add an image to a post you will need the image URL, you can get this by right-clicking on an image and selecting 'Copy Image Link' (sometimes also called address). Whilst in the posting area, click the button that looks like a little landscape photo (it's the 9th button along) and it will insert the following BBCode into your text box:

Code: Select all

In between those pieces of code, after the ] and before the [/, insert the URL of the image so it looks like this:

Code: Select all

You can preview your post to make sure it works but it should show off your image like so:


2) Sized Code

Sometimes images are quite large or even too large to post on the forum. You could just post the link so people can click it to see the image or click the BBCode button entitled 'image' to use the following code to post a smaller version of the image.

Code: Select all

After the first image instead = and a number for the image to appear as, (the number is in pixel size). The below image is set to 50 pixels.

The code should end up looking similar to this:

Code: Select all

It's best to preview your post to make sure the image still isn't too large for the forum before posting.
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Re: Guide - BBCode

Post by Emz »


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Inserting a Link
Sure you could just copy and paste a link into the text box, but sometimes those links are long and maybe you wish to make it look a little neater. It's very easy to do.

To add a link click the button that looks like two chains (it's the 10th button along), hoovering the mouse over it will show you how to use this BBCode and that there's two ways. Click it will insert the following BBCode into your text box:

Code: Select all

This is one way, you could add the URL link in between those pieces of code, after the ] and before the [/ but you might as well just copied and pasted the URL as is. Instead will will do the other version that shows up when you hoover over the button.

Code: Select all

By adding a = after the first URL, you can copy and paste the link there and in between those pieces of code, after the ] and before the [/ you can name the link so it looks like this:

Code: Select all

[url=]Nightingales FB Group[/url]
You can always preview your post to make sure it is correct, but when posting it show look like this:

Nightingales FB Group
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Re: Guide - BBCode

Post by Emz »


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Spoiler Code
Best not to spoil others who might not be able to go to the cinema to see something, record an episode as they didn't feel well enough or are just a slower reader and have yet to get to that chapter.

The spoiler code is the one that says 'SP' and is the 14th button along, hover over it and you will see how it can be used. Clicking it will insert the following into your text box:

Code: Select all

Now do NOT put your spoiler in between those pieces of code, after the ] and before the [/ as it will not work and you would of ruined things for someone or multiple people. Instead do the following:

Code: Select all

Adding the = after the first SP and then the title of the spoiler or just the word spoiler surrounded by " "
Then in between those pieces of code, after the ] and before the [/ add in your spoiler text. It is really best to preview your post to make sure this code works correctly instead of risking spoiling things for others. But when done correctly it should look like this:
You dared to read my spoiler!
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Re: Guide - BBCode

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Bold, Italic & Underline

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Most of you should recognize the buttons for bold, italic and underline, the first three buttons of the BBCode. You can click either of these to insert into your text area (or multiples) and type the word you wish to be bold/italic/underlined in between the code. Or simply highlight the word/s with your mouse and click the BBCode button/s so it automatically appears around the word/s.

Bold text, italic text and underlined text.

Or some combined version. of two or all three.
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Re: Guide - BBCode

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Creating Lists

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There's two different list buttons depending on the type of list you wish to create. The first button creates a bullet list, the second creates either a numbered or a, b, c list. Hovering your mouse over either button will show you how to use each one. As you see in the image above, you don't have to separate each listed item by a new line and you can add as many as you wish. With each new item just type [*] and afterwards the name of the listed item. Or click the * button after the two different list buttons for it to automatically add in an [*].
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Re: Guide - BBCode

Post by Emz »

Font Size & Colour

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If you wish to, you can change the font size and colour of your text. The colour button is a water droplet whilst the font size is a drop down menu, it is automatically selected as 'Normal'.

1) Font Colour
Clicking the water droplet will open up the 'font colour' box you see in the image above. Here you can click one of the many different colours available. Doing so will insert a colour code or you could simple write out the colour you wish to have.

Examples :

Code: Select all

[color=#FF80BF]We are currently[/color] [color=#4000FF]testing colours[/color]
We are currently testing colours

Code: Select all

[color=red]Typed out red instead of selecting a colour[/color]
Typed out red instead of selecting a colour

2) Font Size
Click the drop down menu for font sizes and selecting a different size will automatically insert the right code into your text area. You'll notice the font size is a number, this can be changed yourself if after previewing your post you fill the size isn't quite the one you wanted. The normal size font is number 95.

Code: Select all

[size=85]Selected the small font size from the drop down menu[/size]
Selected the small font size from the drop down menu

Code: Select all

[size=70]Changed the number 85 to 70[/size]
Changed the number 85 to 70
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Re: Guide - BBCode

Post by Emz »

Align Text

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To align text click the 'align' button, hovering over this button will show you how to use this code. Clicking it will insert the following code:

Code: Select all

after the first 'align' word type = followed by the alignment you wish your text to be. This could be left, center, right or justify. So it looks something like this:

Code: Select all

[align=center]This will center your text[/align]
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Re: Guide - BBCode

Post by Emz »


(Need a closer look? Clicking the image will open it up, right-click and select 'Open Link in New Tab' to not leave this page.)

It's likely that most of the time this BBCode will be used when you directly quoting another post, but clicking the quotation mark at the top right-hand corner of another members post. But there could be times you wish to use it in other ways. This could be sharing a favourite quote from someone famous or quoting an article you or someone else has linked to.

While posting, click the quotation mark button, this is the fourth BBCode button along and appears after the underlined one. Clicking this will insert the following code into your text area:

Code: Select all

Simple type up or copy and paste the text you wish to quote in the middle, after the ] and before the [/.
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Re: Guide - BBCode

Post by Emz »

@ Mentions

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A handy little code to mention someone in a post and doing so notifies them, (by PM/Email or whatever settings they have). It's the same as when you tag someone in a Facebook or other social media post. When in the text box of the posting area simply type @ you will notice when you do so a 'no match found' will appear. Continue typing by inserting a member's username and you will notice the 'no match found' will change to possible usernames you are trying to tag. When you see the username of the member you wish to tag, click on their name and a code like the following will appear:

Code: Select all

[smention u=2]Emz[/smention]
You can now continue your post, saying something like:

@Emz has one of those wheelchairs

Last bumped by Emz on Sat 02 Nov 2024, 1:07 pm.